Ignatian Reading


          Immerse yourself. Pick a biblical passage - preferably one from the gospels - and insert yourself in the story. What do you see? What do you hear? What does the scene look like? Who are you in the story, and how are you affected by your experience of Jesus in this scene?


          Click on the stories below for reflections based on the Ignatian Contemplative Reading method. These reflections are not meant to give the definitive interpretation of a passage but to illustrate how one might probe the biblical text more deeply and discover the richness contained therein.


          Thanks for visiting, and be sure to come back from time to time for new postings!



Joseph's Dream

(Matt 1:18-25)

Image result for joseph jesus baby


Jesus Begins His Ministry

(Mark 1:14-15)


Gospel Story

(Coming Soon!) 


Gospel Story

(Coming Soon!)